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Populismo, neofascismo, neonazismo, autoritarismo, neocomunism, etc ¿Sabes de qué partidos políticos te hablo? Populism, neofascism, neototalitarism, neocomunism...
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin 22 April 1870 21 January 1924 He was a Russian revolutionary, author, lawyer, economic theorist, political philosopher, creator of the Soviet Communist Party, leader of the 1917 October Revolution, and founder of the USSR.
While still a teenager, Lenin was expelled from university for taking part in a political demonstration. For several years he lived with relatives, studying law and reading revolutionary literature, especially the writings of Karl Marx...
Lenin was arrested in 1895, sent to jail, and later exiled to Siberia, where he married Nadezhda Krupskaya, whom he had known in the St. Petersburg underground movement. During this period, the first Russian Marxist political party was found...
Homosexuality is abehaviour that had existed throughout a long time in societies. It has been said by many religious and political groups that a male couple or female couple are a harmful element for the society in which it occur...
Special interests contribute enormous amounts of money to Congressional campaigns?this is common knowledge to any political observer. Less talked about is that large donations make up the large majority of campaign ... Full text here...
WASHINGTON ? The tea party is less a classic political movement than a frustrated state of mind. A year and a half after the idea of a tea party burst into view, three of 10 Americans describe themselves in the USA ... Full text here...