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1444 : MFA / 2023/246 / RC . 35 14 18 . 29 2012 : 192 60 . 29 2012 4 : ¡ ¡ . ¡ ¡ . ¡ . . 23 2011 . . - 1947 . 181 . ¡ A / HRC / 49/87 1967 12 2022 : 54- ¡ . . ¡ . : ¡ . 55- ¡ . . ¡ . 56. . . . . ¡ . ... 58- . ¡ ¡ ¡ . 59 - ¡ . 181 29 1947...
Islamic nation of palestine ministry of foreign affairs jerusalén, yawm al- ahad, jumada t-tania 1444 mr secretary general: i have been instructed by his excellency prince ali muhammad bin faisal al-saud...
Attorney general of the islamic nation of palestine issued a writ of summons against benjamin netanyahu to stand trial for crimes of genocide and crimes against humanity committed against palestinian children and adolescents...
Islamic nation of palestine ministry of foreign affairs jerusalem, 19 december 2022 note: mfa/2022/234/rc mr...