The most important and difficult task in life is to be oneself. Meditation helps us to cope with that. La tarea más importante y difícil de la vida es ser uno mismo. La meditación nos ayuda a realizar esta tarea...
The Mayan culture was a complex civilization with a lot of interesting elements for nowadays citizens around the world. Let s take a look at the next short videos that teach us about the Mayan civilization...
Hey you! Help me to find this magic elephant that is hiding in the emptiness that you keep in the pocket of your soul. With your permission...
La libertad de información no sólo es una consecuencia de la democracia y la dignidad sino un requisito para la democracia y la dignidad. Freedom of expression is not only consequence of democracy and human dignity...
I encourage you to read an interesting article on religion and fanaticism. It points out some key references in order to develop a critical learning-teaching and understanding in the history of religions...
There is no justification for terrorist atrocities. Condemns from all countries and citizens rejecting the killing of civilians no matter who is doing it should be clear. But, that isn t enough...
In some occasions we should be able to transform ourselves into children to renew our souls and the soul of the world. Algunas veces deberíamos ser capaces de transformarnos en niños para renovar nuestras almas y el alma del mundo...
Why do I like American people? Is it because they represent freedom? Is it because the word America is a written dream that makes me feel freer? Why do I like American people? Is it because they are citizens from different origins with the same...