PHRhYmxlIGJvcmRlcj0iMCIgY 2VsbHBhZGRpbmc9IjIiIGNlbGxzcGF jaW5nPSI3IiBzdHlsZT0idmVydGljY WwtYWxpZ246dG9wOyI...
DUE DATE: November 30th And JINGLE BELLS!! Ok, ok! This is a classic... Oh jingle bells, jingle bells... Course, check this video : If only I could find a ... hip singer to go with this song... oh, wait... I did This is our last project guys...
DUE DATE: November 30th Now, see, this is fun! Christmas is COMING!!! And it s so cool!! We need to start with the Xmas Short for Christmas Carols. la navidad ya llega, empexamos con los villancicos ; Here s my winer for you balloon babies ; Now...